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Here you see an overview of the setup page:

Setting Input Values
Peer port Text field Numeric port number for peers to connect on (should be mapped from router if possible)
Download directory Text field Absolute path for transmission to save downloaded data to by default (Transmission WebGUI or client can override)
Configuration directory Text field Absolute path to transmission configuration/control directory if using embedded, without setting this to a writable location, transmission will forget torrents and torrent progress on each reboot
Port forwarding Checkbox if checked, enables port forwarding via NAT-PMP or UPnP. (may help with some routers)
Peer exchange Checkbox if checked, enables peer exchange (PEX). (can help finding other peers not offered by the tracker)
Distributed hash table Checkbox if checked, enables distributed hash table. (can help keep torrents running if a tracker becomes unavailable)
Encryption Selectbox Encryption choices: tolerated, preferred, or required
Upload bandwidth Text field The maximum upload bandwith in KB/s. (empty means not limited)
Download bandwidth Text field The maximum download bandwith in KiB/s. (empty means not limited)
Watch directory Text field Absolute path to watch for new .torrent files. (optional)
Incomplete directory Text field Absolute path to store incomplete files. If blank, in-progress and incomplete files are stored in the download directory.
User mask Text field (optional, 0002 by default) overrides the default file/directory permissions modes for newly created files/directories Octal umasks
Extra options Text field Extra options (usually empty).

There is additionally an administrative WebGUI that can control Transmission:

Setting Input Values
Port Text field Numeric port to use
Authentication Checkbox if checked, requires username/password for access. Otherwise, allows anyone to access
Username Text field self-explanatory
Password Password field self-explanatory
URL n/a A link to the WebGUI (for convenience)
documentation/setup_and_user_guide/services_bittorrent.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/01 14:09 by zoon01

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